Monday 11 February 2019

Using Google Firebase with ESP8266 NodeMCU

In this DIY project will be building a project where we’ll use a temperature & humidity sensor DHT11 and a NodeMCU ESP8266 Module to log the temperature and humidity in real time on Google’s Firebase database server.

The complete project is divided into two sections. First we start with assembling the hardware components and uploading firmware into it. And second, we will use Firebase to setup with NodeMCU to exchange real time data.

Find the complete project tutorial on circuit digest:

Monday 4 February 2019

Interfacing ESP8266 with ARM7-LPC2148 and Creating a Webserver to control an LED

ESP8266 Wi-Fi transceiver provides a way to connect a microcontroller to the network. It is widely used in IoT projects as it is cheap, tiny and easy to use. This WiFi module can be used with any microcontroller to connect it with internet. In some of the following tutorials, it is used with Arduino and Raspberry pi, to create webserver such as Raspberry webserver and Arduino webserver.

ESP8266 Interfacing with ARM7-LPC2148- Creating a Webserver to control an LED

To interface an ESP8266 Module with the ARM7-LPC2148 microcontroller and create a webserver to control the LED connected to LPC2148. The workflow will go like this:

  • Send AT commands from LPC2148 to ESP8266 to configure ESP8266 in AP mode
  • Connect the laptop or computer Wi-Fi with the ESP8266 Access point
  • Create a HTML webpage in PC with Access point IP address of the ESP8266 webserver
  • Create a program for LPC2148 to control the LED according to the value received from ESP8266

If you are completely new to ESP8266 Wi-Fi module visit the below links to get familiar with ESP8266 Wi-Fi module.

You can check the complete tutorial to interface ESP8266 module with LPC2148: