Monday 3 June 2019

DIY IoT Based Biometric Attendance Project using Arduino

In this project we use IoT to make attendance system more useful and online accessible. Most of the attendance systems generally store the information over a micro SD card and have to be connected to software via a computer to access the information.
IoT based Biometric Attendance system using Arduino and Thingsboard

So here we use Arduino and an IoT platform called Thingsboard to build a biometric attendance system that scans for fingerprint and on successful identification of the person it will log the information to the cloud platform ThingsBoard by using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. This information can then be displayed in the dashboard of ThingsBoard making it available for the required authorities to view and analysis information over the internet without having any direct physical access to the hardware.

Interesting? Follow this Circuit Digest tutorial to make this biometric attendance system project.

Below is the demonstration video of the project: