Tuesday 28 July 2015

Accelerometer Based Gesture Controlled Robot

Robots are playing an important role in automation across all the sectors like construction, military, medical, manufacturing, etc. After making some basic robots like line follower robotcomputer controlled robot, etc, we have developed this accelerometer based gesture controlled robot by using arduino uno. In this project we have used hand motion to drive the robot. For this purpose we have used accelerometer which works on acceleration.

Find here the complete project: Accelerometer Based Gesture Controlled Robot 

Saturday 18 July 2015

Getting Started with Arduino - Blink An LED with Arduino Uno Board

Arduino is an open-source hardware and software development board based on AVR series of microcontrollers. The project is based on a family of microcontroller board designs manufactured primarily by Smart Projects in Italy, and also by several other vendors, using various 8-bit Atmel AVR microcontrollers or 32-bit Atmel ARM processors. These systems provide sets of digital and analog I/O pins that can be interfaced to various expansion boards ("shields") and other circuits. The boards feature serial communications interfaces, including USB on some models, for loading programs from personal computers. For programming the microcontrollers, the Arduino platform provides an integrated development environment (IDE) based on the Processing project, which includes support for C and C++ programming languages.

Arduino Uno is one of the easiest to work among several arduino development boards. Here is a tutorial to get started and blink an LED with Arduino.

Here is an awesome video to get started with arduino:

You can find the simple code required to blink an external LED with Arduino Uno here.

Check Your Reaction Time By This DIY Game Circuit

Reaction timer is a game to test how fast you reacts. This game which we have developed using 555 IC is for two players where first player starts the game by pressing start button. As soon as the START button is pressed, 7 segment display starts displaying 0 to 9 numbers in a high speed. Then other player stops the counting by pressing the STOP button. As the frequency of displaying numbers is very high, it is difficult and needs full attention to react on the correct time.  Watch the video below to see demonstration of this reaction timer game.

A Johnson Counter IC 4026 is used along with 555 IC. If you are well aware of 555 timer IC and its working, you can easily understand it and build it by yourself. Here is the detailed tutorial with circuit diagram:

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Latest Arduino Based Mini Projects

Here are some interesting and easy arduino based projects:

1. Digital Thermometer
Thermometers are useful apparatus being used since long time for temperature measurement. In this project we have made an Arduino based digital thermometer to display the current ambient temperature and temperature changes on a LCD unit in real time.

2. Line Follower Robot
Line follower Robot is a machine which follows a line, either a black line or white line. Basically there are two types of line follower robots: one is black line follower which follows black line and second is white line follower which follows white line. Line follower actually senses the line and run over it.

3. Digital Alarm Clock
This Arduino based Real time clock is a digital clock to display real time using a RTC IC DS1307 which works on I2C protocol. Real time clock means it runs even after power failure. When power is reconnected, it displays the real time inrespective to the time and duration it was in off state.

4. Digital Tachometer
Tachometer is a RPM counter which counts the no. of rotation per minute. There are two types of tachometer one mechanical and other one is digital. Here we are going to design an Arduino based digital tachometer using IR sensor module to detect object for count rotation of any rotating body.

5. Distance Measurement
Ultrasonic sensors are great tools to measure distance without actual contact and used at several places like water level measurement, distance measurement etc. This is an efficient way to measure small distances precisely. In this project we have used an Ultrasonic Sensor to determine the distance of an obstacle from the sensor.

6. LPG Leakage Detector
While LPG is an essential need of every household, its leakage could lead to a disaster. To alert on LPG leakage and prevent any mishappening there are various products to detect the leakage. Here we have developed an Arduino based LPG gas detector alarm. If gas leakage occurs, this system detects it and makes an alert by buzing the buzzer attached with the circuit. This system is easy to build and anyone who have some knowledge of electronics and programing, can build it.

7. Digital Dice
We all are familiar with dice and often played LUDO or SANP SIDI (Snake & Ladders) game by using dice. Dice is a squire type solid box which contains 6 different numbers on all of its sides. We throw dice on a surface to get a random number while playing the games. In this project we have tried to replicate it with a digital dice using arduino uno board. In place of throwing the dice, here we need to press a button to get a random number between 0 to 6.

Hope you like the above projects. Find here more such arduino based projects here: http://circuitdigest.com/arduino-projects

Timer Circuits

Sometimes we need to create timer circuits in our product and application designs. 555 timer is one of the popular and efficient IC to provide accurate time delays in the circuits. Here is a tutorial which guides you to create different time delays in the circuit using IC 555.

Here 555 IC is configured in monostable mode and by changing different resistor values, different time delay is achieved.

Check out the complete circuit here: 1 minute timer circuit

For more such circuits, check our 555 Circuits section.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Interfacing 7 segment display module with 8051 Microcontroller

Once you get started with 8051 microcontroller and do some initial experiments like LED Interfacing, you would like to move ahead with interfacing some commonly used sensors and display units like LCDs and 7 segment displays. Let us see a tutorial which will share the details of 7 segment displays, their working and a detailed guide to interface with 8051 microcontroller.

Seven segment displays are among the simplest display units to display numbers and some characters. It consists 8 LEDs, each LED used to illuminate one segment of unit and the 8th LED used to illuminate DOT in 7 segment display. We can refer each segment as a LINE, as we can see there are 7 lines in the unit, which are used to display a number/character.

Check out the circuit diagram and C program to interface 7 segment display with 8051 microcontroller.

Here is the video which depicts a 0-9 number counter on the 7 segment.