Saturday 23 September 2017

Automatic Street Light Controller Circuit

This simple circuit uses a LDR sensor to detector the presence of light and turns on or off the street lights accordingly. A demonstration of the project is done on the breadboard as shown below

Automatic Street Light Controller Circuit Using Relay and LDR

This circuit mainly uses an LDR and Relay along with few other commonly used electronics components such as BC547 transistor, resistors, 1N4007 diode etc.

You can find the circuit diagram and necessary details to DIY this circuit on the following link: Street light controller circuit

Demonstration video for the project is shown below:

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Simple Arduino Voltmeter

With a simple knowledge of Arduino and Voltage Divider Circuit, we can turn the Arduino into Digital Voltmeter and can measure the input voltage using Arduino and a 16x2 LCD display.

Simple Arduino Digital Voltmeter

The circuit diagram which is used to build this arduino based voltmeter is given below. You can connect the arduino and other components as per the diagram.

Simple Arduino Digital Voltmeter Circuit

Once all the components are connected you can write the code for Arduino. Here is the link given from where you can download the arduino code for voltmeter.