Saturday 27 February 2016

DIY Simple Music Operated LED Lights

In one of our previous circuits, we have built a Dancing LED circuit, which just follow a set pattern and we can only control the speed. Now we are taking this to next level, in this Music Operated Dancing LED Circuit, in which LEDs will flash according to music, just like Disco lights. This circuit is based on transistor BC547. This circuit is very simple and easy to build, it just requires few basic components and it looks very cool.

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Thursday 18 February 2016

How to Make an LED VU Meter using LM3914

Volume Meter is something like an Equalizer, generally found in the Music systems. There we can see the dancing LEDs according to the music beats, if the music is loud, equalizer reaches to its peak and in low music it remains Low. 

In this project we have developed this Volume Meter or VU meter circuit, with the help of MIC, OP-AMP and LM3914, which glows the LEDs as per strength of the sound, if sound is low, lesser LEDs will glow, and if sound is High more LEDs will glow.

You can understand more about the working of this volume meter in the below video:

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