Monday 10 December 2018

Interfacing OLED Display with Android Phone

connecting OLED display with Android Phone using bluetooth

Most of us would be familiar with the 16×2 Dot matrix LCD display that is used in many projects to display some information to the user. But these LCD displays have a lot of limitation in what they can do. In this tutorial, we will use OLED to display some basic information from the Android smartphone like Time, date, network strength and battery status. This project provides a basic idea and framework to build an Arduino based SmartWatch and can be further extended to display incoming calls, messages and many more on OLED display.

Here you can find the basic circuit diagram to interface the OLED with Android phone using a bluetooth module:

Circuit Diagram for Interfacing OLED display with Android Phone to build a Smart Watch

To check out the complete project with codes and required libraries for arduino, visit the link below: